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Our Vision

We will be the leading civic group working to promote a positive image for our lake area.  The Friends will support recreational use and events, and work to ensure the long-term economic viability of the lake.

Our Mission

We will do this by working with our State Park & Corps of Engineer partners, Corporate sponsors, and individual 'friends'

for the betterment of Rough River Lake and its environs. 


Our goals are to:


  • Coordinate and facilitate public information and activities on water safety, visitor safety, environmental issues and other recreation activities on Rough River Lake

  • Provide a common meeting ground and forum for interested individuals

  • Provide educational opportunities

  • Provide assistance in soliciting monetary or tangible donations from area organizations and businesses for projects and/or festivals that the group undertakes



The Friends of Rough River Lake, Inc.

is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public service group dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of the Rough River Lake area.

2025 Officers, Directors and Partners:

President:  Charlie Corbett

Vice President:  Jason Timberlake

Secretary:  Jill Evans

Treasurer:  Cathy Corbett

Directors:  Dave Dillman, George & Chris Brodnicki,

Aaron & Megan Powell, Diane Stratton

Federal/State Partners:

-  US Army Corps of Engineers - Rough River Project

-  Rough River Dam State Resort Park

Volunteers needed for events:  We support 4 or 5 events at the lake that depend on volunteer help.  Watch our Facebook page for announcements about ways you can help!


Our organization is always looking for new sponsors to help in our important mission. The generosity of our sponsors and donors, combined with dedicated volunteers, have allowed us to continue improving the economic viability of our lake! 

To learn more about how to get involved, use the CONTACT button below.


2023 Dam Triathlon Participants & Volunteers

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The Friends of Rough River Lake works in partnership with the project management of the 

US Army Corps of Engineers and the park management of Rough River Dam State Resort Park.  

©2024 by Friends of Rough River Lake. Proudly created with



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